Willow Creek, Little Turkey Creek and Ben Lilly Restoration and Habitat Improvement Projects – NMDGF

NCDE designed three projects for NMDGF on Willow Creek from the Ben Lilly Campground downstream to the confluence with Gilita Creek, 11,200 feet of channel, with the goal of improving Gila Trout habitat in this reach. The project utilized rock, logs and local vegetation to improve fish habitat and reduce bank erosion. This project focused on increasing pool habitat, increasing shade cover and reducing sediment into the system using rock weirs, rock vanes, log vanes, rootwads, log overhangs, boulder clusters, vegetated toes, bank sloping and others.

Log vane and boulder cluster for fish habitat

Cross Vane Weir for stream stability and habitat construction 3 months post construction

Log overhang habitat structure

The project also realigned approximately 500 feet of Little Turkey Creek, raising the water table 6-10 feet, increasing stream length by 250 feet and reconnecting wetlands abandoned after post-fire floods.

Little Turkey Creek realignment, shifted from lower end of photo, out of the incised channel and into its historic alignment

Little Turkey Creek realignment the week water was shifted back into the historic “beaver pond” wetland area


The project included approximately 220 individual structures/practices and 7,780 willow poles planted. The project deliverables included sealed plans, design report and cost estimates as well as 404/401 permitting. These projects were designed in 2022 and construction was completed in spring 2024.

WIllow plantings leafing out and grass on sloped banks under fabric 3 months post-construciton.

Boulder Clusters for fish habitat 3 months post construction

The restoration design includes several components that will help improve channel stability and aquatic habitat.

  • Cross vane weirs, rock vanes, log barbs, toe rock, and bankfull benches installed along the channel to help narrow the channel and reduce bank erosion.
  • 220 fish habitat structures installed throughout the project including rock clusters, mini rock weirs and log bank buildout structures.

J-Hook Vane and large woody material 3 months post construction


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