River Engineering
- Leader in utilizing geomorphic principles in combination with standard engineering practice to solve stream stability issues in the southwestern United States.
- We have decades of experience utilizing natural materials and bioengineering practices to improve stream function for humans and natural habitat.
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Stream & Wetland Restoration
- We provide engineering design for restoration / enhancement of ponds, wetlands and streams.
- Our multidisciplinary team of engineers and ecologists consider each aspect of the project and its potential, then provide a sustainable design to address each of the design criteria.
- Construction documents can be provided for design-bid-build or design-build type projects depending on clients needs.
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Erosion Control & Mitigation
- Our methods allow quantification and budgeting of sediment sources and transport.
- We can help to identify the largest sources of sediment in the watershed and design the most effective set of practices to reduce soil and land productivity losses whether the sources are from stream bank erosion, bed erosion or upland gully and rill formation.
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Stormwater Management
- Urban and rural stormwater management is a key component to water quality and land productivity.
- NCD Engineering understands the needs of stormwater management and how to utilize natural processes to lessen the impact of high peak discharges on infrastructure and natural channels and improve ecological function.
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Flood Studies & Mitigation
- NCD Engineering provides professional hydraulic modeling of current and proposed site conditions to inform designers and regulators about the impacts of proposed designs on FEMA regulated floodplains.
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Roadway Drainage & Channel Crossing
Almost all public infrastructure impacts drainage and hydrology.
Our designs for stream crossings, drainage and runoff management utilize our understanding of natural stream function to minimize impacts on physical and ecological functions of channels.
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